Events 26.10.2018
OSCE co-organizes international conference on challenges and approaches to security co-operation in Astana
New challenges and approaches to regional and global security in Central Asia were the focus...
Events 07.12.2020
UNODC hosts an online webinar on mental health and returnees
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) announces a Regional meeting of the...
Events 05.02.2021
UNDP commences Preventing Violent Extremism Conducive to Terrorism in Central Asia Regional Dialogue series with a first meeting for mapping the evidence and research base
The Bishkek Regional Dialogue was the first step towards providing a platform for Preventing Violent...
Events 30.04.2021
UNODC hosts a Regional meeting of Central Asian Network for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (CAPVE) on April 30, 2021