
Addendum of the Counterterrorism Committee to the guiding principles on foreign terrorist fighters (UN, 2018)

The present addendum is intended to provide further guidance for an effective response to the evolving foreign terrorist fighter phenomenon, focusing on measures to be taken in the areas of border security and information-sharing; countering terrorist narratives; preventing and countering incitement and recruitment to commit terrorist acts, consistent with international law; countering violent extremism conducive to terrorism; risk assessments and intervention programmes; judicial measures, including prosecution, rehabilitation and reintegration strategies; addressing the risks of terrorist radicalization and recruitment in prisons and ensuring that prisons can instead serve to rehabilitate and reintegrate; international cooperation; protecting critical infrastructure, vulnerable or soft targets and tourism sites; and preventing and combating the illicit trafficking of small arms and light weapons.

You can find the original publication here

TopicDeradicalization, Foreign Terrorist Fighters, Monitoring and evaluation , Penitentiary Institutions, Human Rights , Law enforcement, Rehabilitation and Re-integration


Themes: Deradicalization, Foreign Terrorist Fighters, Monitoring and evaluation , Penitentiary Institutions, Human Rights , Law enforcement, Rehabilitation and Re-integration