
Методическое пособие по предотвращению насильственного экстремизма (ЮНЕСКО, 2016)

Методическое пособие по предотвращению насильственного экстремизма (ЮНЕСКО, 2016)
This is UNESCO’s first Teacher’s Guide on the Prevention of Violent Extremism through education. This document has been developed in direct response to the needs of UNESCO’s Member States as expressed in the landmark 197/EX Decision 46 taken by UNESCO’s Executive Board in October 20151, which calls on the Organization to enhance its capacity to provide assistance to countries as they work to strengthen their education sector responses to violent extremism, including through human-rights based Global Citizenship Education (GCED) programmes, keeping in mind national contexts. As such, this Guide also constitutes UNESCO’s first contribution to the implementation of the UN Secretary-General’s Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism2, as it relates to the Education Sector. Along with this Guide, technical guidance is currently being developed by the Organization for education policy-makers within ministries of education. This guidance seeks to provide countries with a set of resources that can help build and reinforce national capacities to address the drivers of violent extremism through holistic and pragmatic education sector-wide responses.
TopicEducation, Preventing violent extremism


Themes: Education, Preventing violent extremism