The process of deradicalisation includes cognitive changes in beliefs and values. Disengagement refers to a behavioural change, such as leaving a group and abstaining from violence. It does not necessitate a change in values or ideals, but requires the individual to relinquish the objective of achieving change through violence. Deradicalisation implies a cognitive shift – i.e. a fundamental change in the individual’s understanding and worldview. In short, deradicalisation and disengagement programmes “are generally directed against individuals who have become radical with the aim of reintegrating them into society or at least dissuading them from violence”.
Processes of deradicalisation and disengagement are therefore complex psychological and social processes. In many cases, these processes take place without the help of specific programmes or interventions, but are the outcome of processes and conditions that are pushing the person out of a militant environment and pulling him or her towards a more attractive alternative. The goal of exit interventions should be to reinforce these ‘natural’ push and pull processes and reduce barriers for disengagement and reintegration. Attempting to measure and isolate the effect of these interventions (particularly in terms of success) is extremely difficult. Such processes can be undertaken through specific programmes and can be delivered across a range of environments at both the individual and collective level. In some cases, deradicalisation, disengagement and rehabilitation programmes will take place in prison or during probation.