
Emerging Practices in Design, Monitoring, and Evaluation of Education for Peacebuilding Programming (Rebecca Herrington, Search for Common Ground, 2015)

Emerging Practices in Design, Monitoring, and Evaluation of Education for Peacebuilding Programming (Rebecca Herrington, Search for Common Ground, 2015)

This practical Guide contributes to learning and growth of education for peacebuilding by focusing on key elements of program design, monitoring, and evaluation (DM&E) for education interventions with peacebuilding aims in fragile and conflict-affected environments. Presenting critical information, practical tips, resources and tools for all stages in program cycles, and emerging practices and lessons learned from the field, including those arising from the UNICEF Learning for Peace program.

The Emerging Practices Guide is a step forward in bridging that gap by helping identify how best to design education for peacebuilding programming. It also serves to capture and assess its potential impact and contribution to sustainable, transformative change.

Key questions this document addresses for education for peacebuilding practitioners include:

  1. What should practitioners consider when designing programs and accompanying M&E systems that contribute to education for peacebuilding programming?
  2. What are unique and specific considerations for conducting outcome-oriented M&E planning within complex, conflict-sensitive contexts?
  3. What are some relevant M&E tools and resources for education for peacebuilding programming?

The Guide begins with working definitions of key terms and concepts used in education for peacebuilding programming to establish common working definitions (Chapter 1). The following chapters highlight important considerations and lessons learned specific to developing and planning for an education for peacebuilding program, including design, conflict analysis, and theories of change(Chapter 2), monitoring considerations and tools (Chapter 3), and evaluation approaches (Chapter 4). Each chapter offers concrete examples from previous or ongoing education for peacebuilding programs from a multitude of different development organizations and vetted resources. The Guide finishes with a summary of the guidance provided and how practitioners can move forward with implementing rigorous and well-thought-out education for peacebuilding programming (Chapter 5).

You can find the original publication here

TopicMonitoring and evaluation , Programmes, Plans of Action, Preventing violent extremism


Themes: Monitoring and evaluation , Programmes, Plans of Action, Preventing violent extremism